The ABM collections

The ABM collections are a sets of real-world, open-source collections that can be used for testing software tools and analyses.

Collection 1: Java business web applications

Version 1.0 of this collection was created on February 16th, 2016, from GitHub.

It contains 139 projects, and 100 executables
Full download links: projects - executables
An index of the projects can be found here. It lists the available projects and executables, with metadata such as libraries and build information.

The source code of each project should contain the precise licence information. If not, please refer to the corresponding GitHub webpage.

The scripts used to extract this dataset are available here.
The libraries whitelist is provided with the index of the projects.

Why was ABM created?

The ABM is a methodology designed to make benchmark creation and maintenance easier. By creating this methodology, we wish to address the following concerns: For comparison and replication purposes, old versions of the collections will be kept as they are updated.

Can I contribute?

With the ABM methodology, we strive to create more dynamic, easily updatable benchmark suites that are adapted to the needs of different target domains. The overhead of this semi-automated methodology is the manual creation of the scripts and filters. We are happy to collect and share scripts and filters on this webpage. To submit your own ABM scripts, please contact us by email.

Contact information

Lisa Nguyen Quang Do (
Michael Eichberg (
Eric Bodden (


This research was supported by a Fraunhofer Attract grant as well as the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation.